p/s: Pem asked me to put lots of his pic.xoxo
Monday, March 31, 2008
Final Year Associates cont’
p/s: Pem asked me to put lots of his pic.xoxo
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Cinta @ Love stuff
(sebelum kahwin)
C = cubit kiri, kanan rasa.
I = impian indah ibarat syurga.
N = nikah impian utama.
T = taat setia membawa bahagia.
A = awal dan akhir bersama-sama
(selepas kahwin)
C = cuka yang dituang pada luka.
I = iblis yang merosak minda.
N = nafsu semata-mata.
T = tuba yang dibalas semula.
A = api dalam neraka.
(sebelum kahwin)
K = kongsi semua suka duka.
A = abang adik, ayang anja.
S = sumpah janji di bibir sentiasa.
I = istana bahagia dah dicipta.
H = hatiku hatimu jua.
(selepas kahwin)
K = kaki tangan naik kat kepala.
A = abuk pun tara , nak makan apa??
S = simpati langsung tak ada.
I = ironi membakar jiwa.
H = hidup mati sama je.
In the pool at last~

Mirza's wedding

p/s: wanna see more pics , take a look here
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Missing u soo much~

Friday, March 28, 2008
Udang Masak Halia Cili Padi
Udang 1 kg (dikupas separuh kulitnya)
Cili padi 5-6 biji ditumbuk separa hancur(gune lesung batu)
Bawang besar dihiris halus seperti gelang
Halia 5cm ditumbuk separa hancur (gune lesung batu)
Bawang putih or garlic ditumbuk separa hancur(gune lesung batu)
Minyak masak 2 sudu besar
Garam & gula secukup rasa
Cara memasak:
Bersih udang dan toskan. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk atau kuali. Tumiskan bawang putih, halia dan cili padi. Selepas naik bau, masuk udang dan goring sehinga kemerah-merahan.tambahkan sedikit air jika mahu berkuah. Masukan garam dan gula secukup rasa. Better jangan guna ajinomoto, sebab kesedapan asli nanti xterasa.Selepas udang betol² masak, taburkan bawang besar dan tutup sebentar dengan tudung agak udang dan bahan² lain sebati bersama.
Happy Birthday Dad!

Ever since my life began,
I realized that "You da man!"
I saw your wisdom, your courage too,
And I learned I could rely on you.
Your tolerant nature was really great;
Nevertheless, you'd not hesitate
To let me know when I'd been bad
It must have been hard, but that's being a dad.
You're strong and smart and filled with love--
A gift to me from up above.
So here's a greeting from your biggest fan:
Happy Birthday, Dad, cause "You da man!"
Azmil Sukri, Juzaili aka Jojo and Abdul Samad Haron
tomorrow is my grand father's birthday, so happy birthday in advance~
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Final Year Project Associates
khairul azhar (pem), mas elina, noreta, judin, ariff, kd, ain and lastly yusra are my lab mate for FYP final semester. Wanna know them more?? Hmm let me tell about them one by one. Currently all of us mostly working on UC test which test concerning shear strength of the soil, mainly. Fortuitously I have done all the UCT, therefore wont have to worry anymore. Right this very moment, I have just to concentrate on the preparing the progress report and hazard analysis. Such a headache~
Noreta, mas elina, yusra and kd has help me a lot on doing liquid limit, plastic limit and compaction test. Thanks guys for reading out the journal info pertaining lime stabilization. Expectantly, all of us will hold the triumph in our hands. Gambatte! Enuf explanation already guys? That’s just enuf folks. Keep it for next time bed story~
I wanna go swimming!!!
Why don’t I juz go and swim at UTP pool??? No no no...Not that easy. Nowadays, the weather at UTP in the evening is very bad. Almost every evening, the rain will pour down little by little until the dark. Therefore, Allah has give the clue to human, don’t carry forward any task or job of the day till night come, you’ll be in trouble. Of course for me, I do not own any luxurious car nor normal car rather than a Honda Wave PFV 4724. It is most important vehicle for me to move around when the weather is good. When it is raining, I’ll just stay inside.
Same situation goes to my swimming activity. When it is raining followed by the lightning definitely I won’t go out. As mention before, I really concerned about getting hit by lightning. I’ve come across notice board that warned NOT to swim during raining as a result of lightning strike on those inside the pool. Hence, prevention is better than dying stroked by the lightning inside the pool~
Hopefully, the weather will change very soon. By hook or by crook, I’m off to swim this coming Thursday maybe in the morning, even though I got OCM test in the evening~ hoho
with mermaid @ Aquaria KLCC
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Najib~

Monday, March 24, 2008
Connection Suxx
- 11am until 1pm [might be everyone has woke up already~ lol]
- 5pm-7pm [peak time after coming back from lecture and doing blogging, frenster and facebook]
- 8pm - 12 pm [the most jammed and slowest connection speed either lan or wireless - all ports was congested by students during dinner time to surf the net while doing the assignment meybe]
yeah,meybe i still have another option if i live at other village like v5, v3 meybe. maxis & celcom broadband!!!! i still remember those time when it was mid sem or semester break, i used to connect to the border less world via 3g connection[celcom broadband]. it worth it and it's seem very convenient for me for limited time at hometown. great to inform also, this coming june, i'll be the one subscribing the streamiyx once i have completed the final semester in utp.

Sunday, March 23, 2008
It's raining over and over again
"When it rain(precipitation), remember me" - Mdm. Zahiraniza
run off from hill slope
a Gen 2 nearly drowning~
Lab, lab, lab and lab again. I miss my bed soo much. I cant even sleep enough to make sure that I am out of the bed every morning to ensure I can arrive early at the lab to book the equipment. Today, I’ve just managed to complete the last sample, which is metamorphic soil with 2,4 and 6 percent of lime addition. Considering today’s lab work, I almost completed about 70 percent of my FYP. Yeah..happy.This coming Monday, I've got drilling test #1 which is delayed test. Right now, it almost half of the semester, the test #1 is still not carry out yet. Well, maybe the lecturer also busy.
Here are the things that should be carrying out soon:
- Grinding the soil to get 425 um sample at block J
- Study the drilling note ( trying very hard to start it)
- Mental and physical ready for the next ‘HECTIC week’
- OCM test just around the corner.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
About me
*Read this blog at your own RISK*
Friday, March 21, 2008
Friday Nite Fever

this very morning, i really love the scenic outside my window. it's really fascinating view with the water condensate at the sky just above the sky at v4 field. what a sentences??? haha.. i thnk i should end it here, i'd like to watch tv either MHI or What's on Breakfast@ NTV7( love to hear the argument of the hosts).
ok, got to go.anyone wanna taste my hot "tea O"? it is hand made.with a tablespoon of honey (madu tualang)..perghh..actually it's good for my health.well, this time around, i really have to take care of myself properly due to having extra workload on fyp. test...omg, drilling test. it's almost half of the semester but the test 1 is not executed yet. on this coming Monday, 5.30pm-7pm at main hall and followed by OCM test 1 on the next Thursday.goshhh, i am keen to start contributing to my lovely family, financially of course!
here are some list of people around me that celebrating their birthday :
- my adopted mother at kG Dura Terengganu on the 20 of march
- friend of mine, Ezmal Ab Rashid on the 21 of march

Thursday, March 20, 2008

- final year project - progress report 2
- unconfined compression test of remoulded sample for 3days and 7 days curing
- drilling and production test 1
- operation construction management test 1
- islamic knowledge class which i've been skip for 1week already
- engineers in society lecture notes
- thin section of rock
- mineral analysis
- interview momentum
- more to think....gagaga
- font is trebuthcet, normal font size
- picture posting is in the center
- make it more alive