Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!
Hmm..skip jup hutang entry2 kat Ganu eh. Btw, bagus gak aku buat entry review psal movie or series nih. Upe2nye ade yang layan and come back to see me untuk to say that the movie was superb. Refer SINI. hehe
Today, I’d like to introduce new series, Korean series (gune bahasa Korea kt entry tiru mcm en_me ) Actually, this movie was outdated already coz some of my friends already watched it at UTP. Memandangkan aku dah ado LCD and free DVD player, so ade ler mase nk layan series nih.Well, pasang TV and buh DVD trus lepak atas katil jer..Ngantuk, trus pause n continue sok~hehe

Details :
- Title: 아빠셋 엄마하나 / One Mom and Three Dads
- Also known as: Three Dads and a Mother
- Genre: Romance
- Episodes: 16
- Broadcast network: KBS2
- Broadcast period: 2008-Apr-02 to 2008-May
Synopsis :
Song Na Young and her husband, Jung Sung Min, desperately want a child but her husband is unable to get her pregnant. Her husband's friends decide to help them. But Na Young suddenly loses her husband in an accident and she gives birth to her daughter but does not know which of her husband's friends fathered her child. The father of Na Young's child can either be Han Soo Hyun, Choi Kwang Hee, or Hwang Kyung Tae.
Cast :
- Eugene as Song Na Young
- Jo Hyun Jae as Han Soo Hyun
- Jae Hee as Choi Kwang Hee
- Shin Sung Rok as Na Hwang Kyung Tae
- Kim Bin Woo as Park Seo Yeon
- Joo Sang Wook as Jung Chan Young
Back to the main topic, citer nih memang besh~! haha. Aku baru tengok 6 episodes, ado lagik seploh episodes nak layan. Yang best nyer, ade 4 kawan baek since dari kecik2 sampi la besar panjang. Pastu sorang kwan derang kawin. Tapi still, derang nih akan melawat kawan derang yang dah kawin every weekend untuk dapat free bekfest n laundry. Sangat suke la watak sekor2 dalam citer nih. Very funny!
Pastu wife kawan derang mengandung (sperm donation) since husband die ada penyakit. Mase mengandung, husband die mati la plak. Then, uncle-uncle which kawan2 die yang bertiga nih la kene take care of the widow. Sorang pelukis cartoon, sorang biznesman and sorang polis. Sangat seswai. Masing2 tak nak mengaku itu adalah anak derang(tak tahu which donor it come from three of them).hihi.Tapi at the same time sangat sukekan baby tuh.
Yang paling kelakar, derang kene take care of the baby sebab mak baby tuh g keje.. Mase nih la, aku mula suka citer nih. So korang kene la start tengok bagi yang belom tengok~

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