Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day;
Bersempena Ramadhan yang dah nak abes lagik 2 minggu.. yea RAYA!!! haha.. saya dengan ini menyusun sepuluh jari jemari memohon keampunan kepada YM Esa dan juga insan2 manusia di dalam dunia ini yang mengenali dan akan mengenali diri ini. Sesungguhnya manusia tidak lari dari melakukan kesilapan. So, jom pakat mintak maap dan ampun.
Sapa nak duit raya sile datang umah naaa~

This coming Sunday, I'll be leaving KLCC to Teluk Ramunia. Again!!! Teluk Ramunia.*tempat jin bertendang tuh* I have to go since in the office, I could not have real exposure of the activity carry out at the yard. Right now, the Angsi-D platform is nearly ready to be sent to offshore. So, the remaining activity which required me to witness is Load Out Procedure. Well, I am going to share with you guys on the process of tranfering the Jacket and Topside (or Platform) to the gigantic barge and sail away to Terengganu soon. I've ordered DELL laptop so, I am going to blog again... I have to wait about 7 days to get the lappy since I ordered online from the website and with extra customization.
Satu lagik, today I am going to break my fast at Imperial Hotel. Since I am with Carigali, there are lots of invitation to 'Buka Puasa'. Where else eh, Hotel Maya, Restoran Sri Melayu, The Pulai Resort Desaru and Golden Beach Resort. The best thing was I had experience of Buka Puasa kt Imperial Hotel Miri for 2 days during first week of Ramadhan. 6.30pm was the time for break fast and 'sahur' normally around 3.45am!!! haha.. Thanks Carigali coz pay for the flight. Dah macam naek bas je rasanye.. Can't wait to go offshore and oversea!!!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
*posa xabes lagi daa*
Daripada: Mohd Hafizd Yahaya & Family
p/s: Credit to Boolah for the picture~ !!!~aku nk g semejid la smyang tarawikh.. kt hotel mne ade semejid..huhu [klcc-klia-jb-klia-wangsamaju-pudu-kedah!! yea raya!!!!]
ReplyDeletebest gile.
kalau dapat bukak pose best2 ajak la aku sekali.
Selamat hari raya. Cambest je bleh buka puasa merata-rata. :D
ReplyDeletewah bestlah kerja kau. jalan sana sini eh. best best. dapat bukak puasa kat banyak tempat, itu pun best jugak.
ReplyDeleteorang dah kerja memang jarang update blog ehhh hehe.
wah dell laptop. nanti tunjuk la kat sini :p
selamat hari raya :D
bgus la boleh berjalan2.
ReplyDeletedrp terperap dlm ofis.
tsk tsk.
nnt dh de laptop tu rajin2 le blogging :P
ReplyDeletenak ikot ke? bley sok sy dah kne g melepas la berbuka kt concorde.. kalo x bley ajak dieyla sb bley bawk kawan2.... =)
Rosli: pon ada..muak pon ada... haha.. tp kalo kne weekday sangat xbest sb sok pagi nk bangun ssh.. ye le..perut kenyang makn smpi kol10..ahaks
Alin: la..nnti jd buhsan.. biasala orng melayu, nak carik sambal belacan gak.. kt hotel western, chinese, india sumer.. mknan melayu je kurang sket...
nnti akan ku hapdet gmbo laptop Dell itu..hihi.. kaler hijau muda.. hari rabu neh baru dpt~ slamat hari rayo too~
aahah.. best dok kat luar sb xlarat tengok documents dalam opis.. pastuh dlm report nnti xdo isi plak nk tulis.. better g site.. at least bley hapdet pasal equipments or items kt yard~
weh, jemput dtg umah tau...aku start cuti 27 neh smpi hb october... raya sakan!!!!
pitya! nk duit raya! i mean it! huhahuha
ReplyDeleteengineer haruslah merata2 berjalan kan
ReplyDeletesana sini ade free buke pose
wa, flight pun da macam bas ek
nanti offshore ek
lama la tak jumpe dunia
selamat hari raya juge......
hafizd sama2 selamat hari raya. maaf kalau ada salah dan silap. ;)
ReplyDeleteselamat hari raya bro...
ReplyDeleteand hari ni 25/9/08... wah..wah... besday bro nampak...
Today is 25 of September. So Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteAnd not to forget, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir Batin.
ReplyDeletenak duit raya ke? meh la umah kt kampung masjid neh.. i mean it too~
belom bley g offshore lagik..licene blom amik.. hihi..naseb bek leh raya kt darat...haha.. yerp. berjalan sampi xcukup tanah~
slamt hari raya to u too~
ReplyDeleteyuhooo..thanks yer for the wishes~
thanks radzi..slamt hari raya too~ hihi..nnti leh g raya kt labuan eh~ =p
Selamat Hari Raya to you!
ReplyDeleteMaaf zahir dan batin~ :D