Thanks to those who sms me the birthday wishes. Special thanks to Boolah coz design me the birthday card [click here]. Thank you very very much! Well, i really hope that I can celebrate with my family and the rest of my friends soon. There are many items in my wish list that everyone can contribute. That is the HINT!!! ahaha Love u guys!!!
Ok, got to go. I have to settle everything regarding the load out jacket procedure before Hari Raya. I am going back to KL tomorrow and the next day I'll catch Maraliner and going back to Kampung!!! Nak makan masakan umah plak.. windunye..Yeah! Jemput la datang umah yea hari raya nnti~
Balik Kampung....oooo balik kampung.. hati girang!!!!! Have a safe journey back home!
Birthday Wishes For My Friend
On your birthday,
I wish for you the fulfillmentof all your fondest dreams.
I hope that for every candleon your cakeyou get a wonderful surprise.
I wish for you thatwhatever you want most in life,
it comes to you,just the way you imagined it,or better.
I hope you get as much pleasurefrom our friendship as I do.
I wish we were sisters,so I could have known youfrom the beginning.
I look forward toenjoying our friendshipfor many more of your birthdays.
I'm so glad you were born,because you brighten my lifeand fill it with joy.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
By Joanna Fuchs
P/s: Happy birthday too everyone that celebrate their birthday the month with me~ Btw, the Dell people had called me yesterday said that my green DELL lappy is already arrived and asked me to collect it. YahoO~