Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ikan Haruan Bakar

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day;

Just nak share kesedapan Ikan Haruan Bakar yang menjadi juadah berbuka puasa pada zaman dahulukala. Now, I need to update my blog frequently with this kind of post since I am going to left my pc at home after this and I won't have the oppurtunity to capture the moment at my village as I do have right now *so sad* I used to practice this during fasting month because last time, school holiday was merging together with fasting month. Me and my friends went to the padi field and small drain near there to left more than 10 fishing rode and come back later to pick up the fishes. In Malay term, we called it 'Taut' coz we don't really have to wait there until the fish snatch the bait. The baits that normally used were Worm and Frog! But, we prefer to use worm instead of frog coz that animal seems disgusting!!!

/mouse aku mengong nih..gigih gak ber photoshop/

Let’s forget about that and concentrate on Ikan Haruan Bakar. The recipe? OK. Firstly, just kill the fish with full of gentleness, take out the inner parts and wash it with Lemon Grass, Salt and Asam Keping (remember Asam Keping in previous post).You can either put some other seasoning stuff like Lemon leaf, Union and Serai.Then take a packet of Perencah Nasi Goreng Adabi and spread it over the fish, mixed until well blended and keep it in refrigerator for 3 hours. Afterward, start the fire and wait a moment to let the excitement of the fire to cool down and put the fist on the grill. DONE.

P/s: Happy birthday to Mak Jang Na & Izzul Islam

Preparing the BBQ set





  1. sedapnyaaa...
    besar2 ikan haruan tu kan..nmpk mcm byk isi jer..
    nk sikitttt...

  2. sedap ke ikan haruan?
    lama dah rasenye tak membakar ikan...

  3. jangan letak kesatuan (union) dalam resipi ikan bakar anda~ letak onion pls.... hahaha sajer scam pasal typo....
    siyes baca blog ni raser lapar bak jer.... pas selai2 makanan best2 kuar...

  4. blog ni dah jadi blog mempromote masakan kampung. hehehe. byk benda yang dah lama tak sentuh..ikan puyu, ikan haruan. nasib baik durian baru je makan ari tu. kalau tak asyik terliur je la. huhuhu.

    rasa nak try balik je ikan2 tu. insya allah kalau ada rezeki. :)

  5. cmne ko promote ikan sungai pon,aku ttp xleh mkn...huhuhu..
    xtermampu nk telan:P

  6. waaa...ko ni asik cite pasal makan je..meh r pas selai..nak gaksz..dh lama x makan ikan haruan..wuhuuu..

  7. Sedap k? Ikan air tawar ni, kalau tak kena cara masaknye, hanyir gila. huhu.. Jarang makan ikan2 camni nih. Ikan keli ada ar. hahaha

  8. kak suhada:
    hihi...mmg bnyak isinye...sedap...lgpon tgk le sape yg buatnye...hihi.cikgu 2 chef hafizd...muhahha...akak dtg la bercuti ke northern nih...msti bnyk masakan kg..

    intan azura:
    ikan haruan sgt sedap..tmbah2 yg msih fresh..kalo dah mati, orang buat ikan masin..tuh pon sedap gak sb xde pengawet...home made ikan masin.. nnti cuba lah...kalo jual rm22/kg... Chinese slalu carik sb ikan nih ubat

    thanks for correction...mula2 ingt mcm betol dah...aleh2 salah gaks...hahah..oke...persatuan ikan haruan... erk

  9. moroka:
    aku promote sb lpas nih ssh dah nk balik kg..kl mne nk carik tmpat2 cmnih... =(

    dats y aku try post bnyk2 so nnti bley surf kalo rindu...hoho.. aku suke cara idup kampong!!!

    u shud try it 1st! sedap alia ooo...umh aku dah dkt 2 minggu xde ikan laut...ikan darat je..hihi..adik aku wat asam pedas tumis ikan haruan td..perghh..masyuk kalo wat untuk bukak pose~

    hihi...aku mmg suke post bab makanan nih.. tuh pon ade yg xdi post lagi..mase mama aku wat muruku, wat cekodok, wat cucur cempedak dan sbagainye la...hihi..sile2 jmput makan ONLINE~


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