Assalamualaikum wbt to everyone~
Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. The most important day in my life coz tomorrow I’ll be having my Ice Blended worth of RM2! Take a look at the picture above. Can yiou see it?? The chocolate rice on the top of ice cream. Nyum nyum..As mentioned in previous post, I bought it at Night Market (Pasar Malam). Is that true that the price just RM2? Well, considering my location of Pasar Malam is at Northern region, so the price also as low as it can.... When you wanna compare it with Ipoh or KL; I don’t think both of them will fit together. Last time I bought Ice Blended at Pasar Malam Taman Maju [UTP], the price was nearly RM4! Really absurd! But, as the current status of our economy, the price hike of every single thing will definitely occurs. For now, just enjoy what we have until we don’t have the opportunity to enjoy it some other time. Update : Final Euro2008: Germany vs Spain Congrat Spain!haha..dah lama gak tak update blog nih. Almaklumlah sibuk sket...
Ok, actually I am working right now. I’ll update that soon. Regarding the Hottest Post [read it here dude~]in my blog last time, I’d like to take this opportunity to express gratefulness to every one of you that give me support and cheer me up. I know that I am not good as the Anonymous; but at least I give it a try. Btw thanks to Anonymous coz you make my post hot! Thanks a lot. The comment from Anonymous deviated the visitor’s concern to post their comment on cockroach. But, they still manage to comment after a long mumbling and keep on supporting me via supportive comments. Thanks to everyone.
Hot News! Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim is gay? With the little cute Saiful Bukhari Azlan. Is that true? Mainan politik kah ini? Di saat negara sedang mengalami kegawatan harga minyak dan harga barang makanan. Take a look at the picture below; doesn't the editor of the picture put some effort to make the picture look lovely~ I wonder how 'they' manage to comes out with the scandal or maybe 'tomahan mengeji' toward him. Or maybe after this akan timbul rakaman video Anwar Saiful di Youtube or Fyroo ? Diharapkan pihak berkuasa dapat mencari bukti dengan adil dan telus supaya kebenaran akan ditegakkan. Kalau selepas ni ade plak gambar-gambar negatif Anwar dan Saiful di internet, siapakan akan dipersalahkan? Bak status gtalk Radzi, "Lu Pikir Sendirik"
Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. The most important day in my life coz tomorrow I’ll be having my Ice Blended worth of RM2! Take a look at the picture above. Can yiou see it?? The chocolate rice on the top of ice cream. Nyum nyum..As mentioned in previous post, I bought it at Night Market (Pasar Malam). Is that true that the price just RM2? Well, considering my location of Pasar Malam is at Northern region, so the price also as low as it can.... When you wanna compare it with Ipoh or KL; I don’t think both of them will fit together. Last time I bought Ice Blended at Pasar Malam Taman Maju [UTP], the price was nearly RM4! Really absurd! But, as the current status of our economy, the price hike of every single thing will definitely occurs. For now, just enjoy what we have until we don’t have the opportunity to enjoy it some other time. Update : Final Euro2008: Germany vs Spain Congrat Spain!haha..dah lama gak tak update blog nih. Almaklumlah sibuk sket...
Ok, actually I am working right now. I’ll update that soon. Regarding the Hottest Post [read it here dude~]in my blog last time, I’d like to take this opportunity to express gratefulness to every one of you that give me support and cheer me up. I know that I am not good as the Anonymous; but at least I give it a try. Btw thanks to Anonymous coz you make my post hot! Thanks a lot. The comment from Anonymous deviated the visitor’s concern to post their comment on cockroach. But, they still manage to comment after a long mumbling and keep on supporting me via supportive comments. Thanks to everyone.

haku nak jugak ice blended RM2!!!
ReplyDeletehoho..ice blended + gay issue. cold desert but hot issues.
ReplyDeletei will comment on cold one first. i don't really like ice blended but if someone (bace: best buddy) treated me with one, i took it with most pleasant heart. sape tak suke barang free, kan. hehehe :)
for the hot issue, i don't think i can say anything right for now. so, just wait and see.
'mungkin ramai yg sakit gigi bila mereka makan makanan yg manis atau sejuk..' jadi.. saya nasihatkan mereka gunakan SENSODAIN 10 kali tiap2 hari selepas mandi..' hahak..
ReplyDeletebes gak dol air tuh..post kat aku weh...wahaha..
ReplyDeletenway yg pasal anwar ni aku setuju moroka kate tu, but i hope america wont not disturb malaysia as we could see wut happen in other country (derang campur tangan sekali, jgn la serah maruah n negara kite kat orang len)..harap2 anwar tak buat la sume tu, nnt effect kat malaysia and khas nye name Islam tu sendiri..
ReplyDeletegeli sekejap aku tgk gmbr yg bawah tu. ilang ayat2 komen di ats.
anyway, aku pon lebey kurang je dgn moroka. tak minum sgt ice blended tp klu org blanje okay aje. LOL.
haippp - senyap sudey pasal bola. udah tamat pon. heh.
haih. mcm2 isu. sumpah mengarut yg latest one nih. lepas satu, satu naik. politik2. kang ckp lebih2, pjg lak. tau2 je la kan aku cmne. such an obvious difference in age made it even worse to compute.
nnt lah. klu rajin kelak aku post in reply of yours. IF is the command word here. sbb cam ade sket2 unsur kemalasan. heee XD
aku ingatkan sapa yg gay tadi. anwar bukan gay la! justice for anwar~
ReplyDeleteregarding my gtalk status, tu trademark Nabil Raja Lawak la.
"Lu Pikirlah Sendiri!"
cik pitya aku x tertarik dgn ice blended tuh..tapi aku tertarek dgn corak tepi pic ice blended tuh..kau pkai software pe edit mende tuh.?photoshop ke..?
ReplyDeletehihi..klau kau blanjer ice blended tu best gak..
ReplyDeletenak ke? meh le bercuti ke KEDAH~
Nice slogan! muhahaha... hopefully, MalaySia Peace!
ice blended ler sedaappp...aku tgh plan nk wat sendirik..tp takot mama aku marah sb nnti blender blade akan tumpul sb blend ice..ahaha
hihi..iklan ubat gigi sebentar
hihi...meh aku email je boley??
yup,smoga Malaysia akan terus aman dengan caranya tersendirik!
ice blended ler sedaaappp...haha..skng ni xkesah nk cakp ape2...tp make sure tahu selok belok hal2 sebegini..aku dah nk termuntah dgr citer mcm2 kt paper hari2...waddduuhhhhh
yup, aku tahu itu tag Raja Lawak~ *lol*
yup..aku gne photoshop..tuh gne brush..ko blajar kt menteil kalo nk tahu lebey~ hihu
haaa kat pasar malam taiping pun kan ada ice blended tu rm2 ye omg sangat murah kannn. kat taiping semua benda pun murah murah je lagi.. huhu.
ReplyDeleteye ke...hihu...tp last week orng yg jual ice blended tuh xdtg..sb hujan ari lwat ptg..mebe xde untung kot kalo jual... hihi..belah2 utara sumer murah lagi kan
kiri comey~
ReplyDeletekanan ensem
ReplyDeleteadakah mereka gay??? ngeh ngeh..
Ice blended RM2? Macam murah jek. hehe. Anyway, politic man.. Nothing is right or wrong and anyone could win or lose. hehe. Can't wait for the saga of Malaysia politic ahead!
ReplyDeleteyup...it is the most cheapest in town..muahahah..
well, we just have to wait n scenario of Malaysian Politic~
ader 1 ice blended,kat salam rm2.50..sedap bakkkk...dah cukup lom nk masuk dlm champion league ko? hahahahhaha
ReplyDeleteHey I really like ice blended coffee, i get my ice blended coffee at a local donut shop, where do you guys get your ice blended coffee at?