Salam semua,
Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal ikan puyu? Tahu tak apa itu ikan puyu? Ok. Itu ikan 'darat' tersangat la hanyir dan hanya orang-orang tertentu seperti my mum je dapat menahan diri untuk menyiang ikan-ikan nih tapi yang penting ia sangat sedap kalo dibuat sambal tumis. Seriously! Well, sekarang let me tell you guys how actually the process of catching this kind of fish.
Firstly you must wait untill the padi started turn into yellowish color. Dah masak la tuh dalam erti kata laen. At this time, the farmers normally letting the water flow out from their field in order to make sure that the process of harvesting the padi run smoothly and easy breezy. Then, my mom and dad will find something like net to tight it at the end of the pipe which flowing the water from padi field to the main stream. Tersangat la kotor sebab stream tuh sometimes air nye kaler hijau ninja turtle. Why??? Sebab ade kilang paper yang discharge unwanted liquid to the stream. Salah sapa? After fitting the net and ensure the opening of the net is well fitted at the end of the pipe, then balik umah lah makan2, minom2 or tido sepam dua. Normally, we set the net in the evening and come and do a routine check up at night once, after the dawn and in the middle of the day.
At first day of checking the net, it was super duper awesome!!! Alhamdulillah. I didn't believe that we did catch a lot of em. Repeat.. A lot included Haruan (Snakefish). It has been quite a long time since I ate Gulai Ikan Haruan with Cucumber. My lovely grandma’s recipe. It tastes very scrumptious~ all we have to do is some cooperation to relocate the fishes into big plastic bag which is thick enough. If not, the plastic might tear off due to the fins of ikan puyu. Sangat tajam OK dan berbisa kalo kene duri ikan nih. Then, we have to put back the net and set the opening of the net and secure it with wire line.
The main problem is biawak!! Tahu apa itu biawak? Not biawak hidup. Itu peribahasa OK. This creature will just simply kidnap the fish caught inside the net. *pemalas* .The other option to avoid kidnapping from biawak is doing the routine check frequently. Sometime anaconda pon ada..hihi.. When the rains pouring down heavily, then the chances to get more fish is augmented. Well, when the velocity of flowing water increases, it will definitely attract more fish to swim into the stream and at the end caught in the net. Alhamdulillah.
P/s: Happy Birthday to Fatin Tenz and Lukeman Hakim.
Hari ni aku nak cerita pasal ikan puyu? Tahu tak apa itu ikan puyu? Ok. Itu ikan 'darat' tersangat la hanyir dan hanya orang-orang tertentu seperti my mum je dapat menahan diri untuk menyiang ikan-ikan nih tapi yang penting ia sangat sedap kalo dibuat sambal tumis. Seriously! Well, sekarang let me tell you guys how actually the process of catching this kind of fish.
Firstly you must wait untill the padi started turn into yellowish color. Dah masak la tuh dalam erti kata laen. At this time, the farmers normally letting the water flow out from their field in order to make sure that the process of harvesting the padi run smoothly and easy breezy. Then, my mom and dad will find something like net to tight it at the end of the pipe which flowing the water from padi field to the main stream. Tersangat la kotor sebab stream tuh sometimes air nye kaler hijau ninja turtle. Why??? Sebab ade kilang paper yang discharge unwanted liquid to the stream. Salah sapa? After fitting the net and ensure the opening of the net is well fitted at the end of the pipe, then balik umah lah makan2, minom2 or tido sepam dua. Normally, we set the net in the evening and come and do a routine check up at night once, after the dawn and in the middle of the day.
At first day of checking the net, it was super duper awesome!!! Alhamdulillah. I didn't believe that we did catch a lot of em. Repeat.. A lot included Haruan (Snakefish). It has been quite a long time since I ate Gulai Ikan Haruan with Cucumber. My lovely grandma’s recipe. It tastes very scrumptious~ all we have to do is some cooperation to relocate the fishes into big plastic bag which is thick enough. If not, the plastic might tear off due to the fins of ikan puyu. Sangat tajam OK dan berbisa kalo kene duri ikan nih. Then, we have to put back the net and set the opening of the net and secure it with wire line.
The main problem is biawak!! Tahu apa itu biawak? Not biawak hidup. Itu peribahasa OK. This creature will just simply kidnap the fish caught inside the net. *pemalas* .The other option to avoid kidnapping from biawak is doing the routine check frequently. Sometime anaconda pon ada..hihi.. When the rains pouring down heavily, then the chances to get more fish is augmented. Well, when the velocity of flowing water increases, it will definitely attract more fish to swim into the stream and at the end caught in the net. Alhamdulillah.
P/s: Happy Birthday to Fatin Tenz and Lukeman Hakim.
chupp!! I want to be the 1st. nk beat moroka ngan radzi. sepam2~~ org ckp bela ikan puyu pencuri x msk rmh. umah aku mmg ptt bela ikan puyu la kalo camtuh :(
ReplyDeleteikan poyo ade ke? ;p.
ReplyDeleteye ke?? bukan halau langsuir ke? or toyol sebab die akan maen2 ngn ikan puyu...
btw, nak bela apenye..hanyir super duper tau x..kalo sekor due bley la plak...ni 'merenyam merenyut2'
ikan poyo??? ade kot...kalo tgk kt restoren2 or kedai mamak, ade ikan yg ala2 poyo tuh...tuh ler..hihi.
*dush* ape aku bebel ni
Amboi banyak gak dapat puyu tu no.
ReplyDeleteNanti dah keja kat KLCC tu takdak lagi lah puyu tu...mungkin berdepan dengan poyo-poyo lah pulak...jalan jam, kos meningkat, road block yang tak dikenal pasti sebabnya *sigh* dll.
Oh ya tahniah juga sebab dpt keja baru tu.
hihu. banyak gile dpt. msk lebey kasi aku sket. lol XD
ReplyDeletehihi...rezeki melimpah ruah...ikan puyu neh free jek...xyah beli..dok bangi ari tuh kene beli...ntah dari longkang mne xtau sb tersangat hitam n berkilat2...kalo ikan kt sawah bersih sb air mengalir...no offense ye pak cik jual ikan tuh~..
thanks for the wish... itu cabaran idop di kota metropolitan..
meh le umh aku ari ahad nih yer...kalo nk mkn ikan puyu~
puyu makan mata kail yang paling kecik? boley?
ReplyDeleteIKAN PUYU!
banyaknyer.... ni ker ikan yang buat ikan masin or pekasam tu?
ReplyDeleteSok aku ade sukaneka tangkap ikan haruan. hehehehehe
ReplyDeletehohoho..aku suka bangat sama ikan puyu. sedap2. goreng pun dah sedap sangat :)
ReplyDeleteaaa'ah ikan puyu..nk sket ke lun?
aah... yg nih la wat pekasam tuh..masin pon buley gak..my grandma baru je buat minggu lepas... hihi.sedaaap..manis dan fresh~
ok...i'll check dat later~ ikan haruan sgt lambat nk mati..sb die mampu hidup tnpa air untuk jangka masa yg lama gak.. kadang2 bley jmpe die tgh lintas kt jln2 kg mase selepas ujan...
aah...dah hampir 1 week umh aku xde ikan laut...ikan puyu je..gulai puyu, sambal puyu, pekasam puyu dan puyu goreng~ sedaappp