Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pitya nak Kahwin?

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day;

Aku nak kawin dah ke? Am I really suits enough to rule a family? Well, I don't think so. So I am posting this wedding pics of my cousin just for nothing. Fyi, I am very proud of myself coz able to capture such a creative outdoor shoot. Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Eiman Photo Media C.E.O which is Abng Eiman. Thanks for the guidance. Right now, I am planning to get DSLR soon coz my loan apllication was successful. Where you apply the loan? Loan Shark!! nope, it was my mom. Ngeh ngeh. But I don't want to rush coz I got so many things to settle down by the end of this month and before convocation ceremony on 24 of August 2008 [Sunday]. Yesterday I spent 3hours at Panel Clinic to do my Medical Check Up and guess what, I met about 5 peoples who work with PETRONAS directly and indirectly. The 2 friends from UTP was Halif and Azri Arabi. It such a groggy moment and the most scariest moment when the doctor wanna suck up my blood into the blood tube. Perghh..that's why I am not able to donate my blood.

Aku TAKOT Jarum!

Ok, enuf about that. I am inviting everyone to University Teknologi PETRONAS ConvoSquare to step in UTP and experience the environment in UTP itself. Adakah padang akan jadik Sawah lagik? Hopefully not. So, to those interested to come, please write the note in your calendar as reminder. Until then, enjoy the wedding pictures. Wanna see more, please visit my other blog or click here. Just using my Canon A400 Powershot 3.2 MP and the natural lighting helps to makes the picture look great.

P/s: Happy birthday to Ad3ck on 14 July & Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Al Sultan Almu'tasimu Billahi Muhibbudin Tuanku AlHaj Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Badlishah pada Tanggal 15 Julai 2008 bersamaan dengan 12 Rejab 1429 Hijrah.

I love this pose very much!!!

Looking for something?


Full of passion

hihi... such a great moment rite? credit to Doctor Adzrul Ariff
Coming soon..
  1. Ikan Puyu
  2. Durian- King of Fruit
  3. Jalan-Jalan dalam Kampung
  4. Jom pergi dusun


  1. boolah:
    wes dah onair tuh...msuk le YM dol..
    ape plan ari nih cikgu?? ptg kang cmne? on kan?

    bla plak aku kawin? muhahaha aku still single and available upon request~

  2. alamak!! baju convo x beli lg~ baju dinner je dh ade

  3. alamak!! baju convo x beli lg~ baju dinner je dh ade

  4. tajuk je nk scam org..ko jgn jd radzi kang dua2 aku belasah..(kte sama tinggi kan..kira halal la klau ko tinggi 1-2 cm tuh..cm je pon)

    klau btol la ko kawen pitya..aku la insan yg plg bangga di dunia..uhuk uhuk...sbb epi tgk ko bahagia..jap2..tp aku curious available upon request tuh..ko ni kije dgn sindiket ke..?mlm ke siang yg ko available upon request?ahahhahaahaha

    la la la la la...

  5. err berape loan yang ko berjaye buat? macam banyak je bunyinye ehehehe. soklan feveret bile ade orang kawen, 'hang bila lagi?' hah jawab, jawab eheheheeh.

  6. hahahahahaha....lawak2

  7. y[0]n:
    heheh..saruk je pape..nnti lindung ngn jubah gak...kalo xpakai pape pon Tun xperasan... muhahaha.. gataiii~

    ouh...fofular ke? muhaha..invi le bang oii...haha..buzz aku ble on the air~

    scam? mne ade..tuh adalah soalan kepada diriku slpas tgk wedding orng laen..muhahha... well, ko rendah sket dr aku...aku kan lelaki...[xde kne mnegena..ngeh ngeh].

    aku kawin ble dah stable sumer..kije blom lg. tp pasang niat awal2 nnti dpt pahala.. ko ngn pasangan ko bler lg? hihi aku lak nnti jd insan yg paling bangga sebab duit masuk untuk amik gmbo2 korang... *dush*

    bley amk aku jadi pengapit..eh salah2..photographer..

    available upon request tuh maknenye... eh xde maknenye..muhahha...saje wat gempak..boley?

    happy belated birtday ad3ck! hihi..ade ler seriban due...xdo nyo bnyk2..nk kene sembelih? hahaha.. biasa la kalo dah jd artis... the answer is 'no comment' muhahha... aku mude remaja lagik la...len la ko muhaimin..dah tua.. *wink2*

    yes pem, ape yg very the funny tuh?

  8. usah ko tnya ble aku nk kawen..tu bkn soklan pebret utk aku jwb..ahaksz...weyh penting tu th ko tinggi ke rendah dr aku..nnt nk ajak ko men bola jaring kat smk air merah..sbb kan ko rendah ko kene jd center..paki bip urup C..la la la la..

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. wes..pitya poyozz! mati2 lun ngat pitya yg kawen!

  11. uihh statement! x tlg cr blk kang. aku masih waras dats y nk cr gak baju cnvo

  12. beli la dslr..best tau.... hehehe.... d50 pun occay... d70s pun occay.... ade masyuk sket, kasik up d200..gheh..gheh..gheh...

  13. hmmm. intriguing.

    ikotlah pitya. asalkan nnt kawen jgn lupe pnggil. lol

  14. wah2...pitya nk kawen....

  15. uih mcm berbakat gak ko amek gambar eh... good good. nanti ade dslr nanti mesti lagi byk gambar lawa-lawa kat blog ni.

    oh convo kat utp 24 ogos eh. haha, nanti leh tengok pitya amek scroll

  16. fadhilah:
    aku xreti men bola jaring...jaring ikan aku tau ler..hihi..urup c, urup H xdo ke? soklan pebret anak dara kalo dah abes blajar ' bila nk langsung???' kan?

    haha...tuh hanya persoalan yg terlintas di benak seketika waktu terlihat kawan2 yg dah ada anak dan bahagia bersama psangan masing2... ape lagik Lun, kawin ler cept...nnti meriah la sepang tuh~~

    hihi...xpe2..aku memain je le.nk kene saman ngn pakgad ke kalo xpki baju?? pkai selipar pon dah kene saman..once again pak gad utp suxx

    hihi...as long as kite sumer happy..itu sngt ok lah~

    DISELAR = DSLR muhahha..bile la leh hangkut DSLR nih... yon, meh kad kredit ko~ muhahaha

    tuh la..kene DSLR dlu..br gbmo sharp n leh menonjol sket kehebatan...spe2 ade suggestion nk bli DSLR???

  17. hoho...
    meh2 beli dslr..
    aku xmo cadang pepe...
    ko g kedai, pegang rasa ngam, tgk dianye spec, men2 skit, setel...


  18. ohhh tidakk~~~ ada kad kedit mmg m'buatkn aku nk g shopping every weekend!! utang kad yg ade pn x t'baya nk bg ko bli DISELAR plak uhuk uhuk

  19. Farhan Iqbal:
    hihi...thanks for the info..mmg nk kene g try test kt kedai dlu..baru bley angkut..aku plan nak amik d60 la..nikon...uhukss

    hahaha....ansuran bulan2..boley?

  20. ansuran bulan2 pn bunga tetap jalan...


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