Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!
Tik tok tik tok... Subhanallah~
Can't wait!
Thanks to mr Google and family and friends for the knowledge sharing for future Mom and Dad to be. Just search for the keyword "baby checklist" in the Google search box you'll end up with thousand list of website that shared their own experience on the preparatory work before enter labor room.
(La Takhaf Wa La Tahzan. Innallaha Ma’ana)
“Janganlah kamu takut dan janganlah kamu bersedih hati. Sesungguhnya Allah ada bersama kita”
dah x lama nk jd ayh! alhamdulillah! smoga d permudahkan segala urusan :) byk2 suh wife bc zikir nabi yunus tu yeee.insyaALLAH xlalai die bl sakit nanti :) n urself,ms wife skt tu byk2 urut kt blkg die area bwh helps alot!!n everytime sujud akhir solat tu doa la lama sket smoga ALLAH pmudahkn slmtkn sume nyeee.hehe.minum air kelapak jugaaa.ehh byk plk tips.hehe.excited!al da best!!! :D