Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bola bola

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!


bola-bola 2

Have you ever seen those creature above? Guest what is the name of that thing? Click to enlarge the picture. la la la..

Lately, my lovely blog received lots of visitors. Really appreciate it sooo much. I promise to myself as long as this blog is alive, I won’t quit blogging.

One more thing, I’d like to meet up with all my blogger friends such as en_me, menteil, kak izza de bintang, kak suhada, bluecrystaldude, ad3ck, aim-a, adzariff, azlinda and the rest of bloggers in my list.

To those who name not listed here, jangan la sedey sebab nama2 kat atas adalah bloggers yang pernah jumpa face to face.


  1. ko tak penah jumpa aku ke T_T
    lol. anyway aku suke men benda bulat2 tu kalo jmpa kat pantai. bentuk dier sangat perfect :P

  2. theQueen:

    aku dah slalu naek kete ngn ko pegi balik UTP. ko pon anta aku smpi depan pintu umah.

    aah...bola2 pasir nih very soft.

  3. hehe..insyaallah..
    kita memang pernah jumpa waktu kenduri ShahInor ngan Wan, tapi sebab masa tu tak saling kenal so kita tak bersembang masa tu.

  4. aku tau..bola2 ni ketam yg buat
    bile die jln otomatik jadi bola2 kecik ni

  5. Kak Iza: just tengok sekali imbas je..tpe2 ade rezeki bley jumpe nnti


    die bukan jalan2, die mmg bentukkan mase korek lubang..


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