Friday, March 12, 2010

Baby Jajam~

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Let’s take a look at the baby below~ ngeh ngeh..It’s not mine of course. My cousin’s baby..

Baby Jajam

Dah genap seminggu tinggal kan baby Jajam nih kat umah die di Jengka tuh. I did mention in previous entry that I’ve travelled  long distance rite..Nasib baek ade baby nih kat umah kazen aku tuh. Terus hilang penat tuh~

The specialty of each baby in the world is ability to create enjoyable moment. Bila tengok baby jer, mesti tenang. This baby Jajam plak, tak menangis dan tak kesah sapa2 pon dukung. Janji ada orang maen dengan dia. Serius, even tengok bola pon die tak kejip2 mata..tengok movie pon sama..hihi

This little baby umor dalam 6 bulan, so kira ok lah. Takde lah lembik sangat leher dia. As per my observation, baby yang baru lahir up to 4 bulan, very fragile. hihi.. Sangat cowwaakk nak dukung compare to 5 month and above.

My baby Shahirah plak kat kampung tuh dah besar panjang, so dah tak best macam real baby dah.. How i wish all the babies not grown up so fast~

1 comment:

  1. Time nih siyok menyakat dia..tgh menggedik sakan nih..anyway to baby jajam & baby shahirah..uncle apit and auntie lin wish both of u.."Menjadi yang terbaik"..muaachhh to both of u baby jajam & baby shahirah...


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