Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Orang Kuning & Imam HAFIZ

Bismillahirahmanirahim & A very good day to bloggers~


I am glad to inform all of you that I’ve already switched from Celcom Broadband to Didi DiGi Broadband since yesterday~ hehe. For time being, the service from DiGi is much better than Celcom since the stability of the connection provide by DiGi. Hmm, I think rite now in my room, there is another person with Yellow Coverall securing the connection to my lappy.Hoho

Since Raya is just around the corner, imam-imam HAFIZ yang lead tarawikh kat Masjid Usamah Zaid Wangsamaju mebe dah nak pulang ke kampung masing2. So lepas tarawikh, sumer makmum bersalam, berpeluk dan mencium imam2 tuh. Aku tak nafikan, sumpah sedap suara derang. Aku pon siap record lagik before start semayang. Dat’s why sumer sayang bangat sama derang~ jeles2…

Aku pon nama HAFIZd gak~ hehe

P/s: Esok aku dah start cuti, so mau pulang pada petang sok lepas fetch up Sayuthy at KL Sentral n my younger sister at USJ~


  1. ati2 drive bro...

    yg digi tu ko amek pakej yg mane?

  2. messyremo:

    thanks for the reminder~

    aku amik yg paling murah dlu..for the sake nak hupdate blog jahh~ hehe

  3. dah bertukar ke
    laju ke digi
    kat sini celcom ok je
    tp kdg2 buat hal gak..

    esok cuti
    selamat hari raya eh..
    maaf salah silap dlm komen2


    semoga lebaran ini lebih bererti buat
    hang sekeluarga...

  4. Intan Izani:

    ok la..service celcom kt sni mmg dari awal2 lagi suxx..weekdays memang sometimes tak dpt connect or kalo dapat pon local internet tak dapt..dang! berbuih dah tepon komen since last year~

    yer..sama2.selamat hari raya aidilfitri~
    sama2 lah kita 0-0 eh..


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