Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sambal Tumis Ikan

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Cuba tengok lauk kat dalam pix bawah neh buat seketika..


Dah abes tengok?? Satu je pix tuh. Tengok 2 second, ingat forever2.Ngeh ngeh..

Lauk diatas adalah makanan feveret aku kat umah. My mum is a great chef as well as my dad and not to forget my younger sister. They are awesome in cooking~!! Well, kalo dah start post makanan or perihal keluarga neh of course la ‘Homesick’. Almaklumla dah 3 minggu tak balik kampung. Hoho.. Baru tiga minggu, belum dua tiga bulan lagik. Labuan neh jauh maa.

Minggu neh memang hectic if we touch a little bit about work. Last minute decision, teamwork and networking are the main concern. Plus working with different parties and the most important thing to ensure everybody happy and the work get done successfully. Kan Sayut kan? 2 ekor anak tupai kuning neh bley diharap gak kan. Muhaha..Trimas gak kt pihak contractor yang membantu for this shipment.

P/s: Kawe ade tengok launching Proton Exora oleh PM semalam. Not bad gak la. Hehe.. Nanti bley g test drive kalo dah sampai sample Exora kat showrum Labuan neh.

Info: Shiploose item – flange, pipe or anything that not welded together in fabshop and will be weld at offshore.


  1. enchek C A M E R A ™April 17, 2009 at 12:46 PM


    * wah dh cnggih tmpat cmnt..nice2..

  2. kene wat moderation sket..sebab takdo kotak url blog commenter. susah nk trace blog visitor unless they did write down their url in comment box~!!

  3. bestnyerr sambal tumis ikan tewww..
    tak bestnyerr nak komen blog ko nih.. y u make it hard bro?

  4. hu2...nk testing2...hehe..nnti la revert~!

  5. nampak mcm best. :)
    homesick ke? hahaha. biasa la tu. :P


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